Sacred Heart STEM School Home

STEM: Innovating through FAITH

Catholic STEM Education: Think critically, STEM brilliantly, Succeed infinitely, live faithfully
STEM education encourages a generation of innovators who have the potential to change the world.
We are a K-8 school specializing in educating the whole student, focusing on the academic and life-skills necessary for success.


Sacred Heart STEM School is a welcoming Catholic community built on Gospel teachings and committed to scholars who seek a challenging academic environment and aspire to be faith-filled leaders for today and the future.


Our vision of success is that ALL scholars will meet or exceed high academic growth on their summative assessments.
Sacred Heart STEM school will develop ALL scholars to be the CEO's of their own education. To play an active role as co-creators of their own educational experience through a rigorous STEM  curriculum utilizing the Engineering Design Process (EDP). Empowering all scholars with the ability to change their world.
We will actively amplify (or cultivate) a scholar's Catholic Identity through learning, piety and service, to develop faith filled leaders of the 21st Century. 

Principal’s Message

Welcome to Sacred Heart STEM School! The only STEM School in the Archdiocese of Boston. Why choose STEM? Utilizing STEM Education, we develop individuals to excel in academics and in life, to contribute to their communities, lead in an ever-evolving society and live life faithfully. We cultivate an environment for your scholar to become the CEO of their own education.

At a glance

Colored pencils in a jar
Books stacked on shelves
Tips of colored pencils
Row of colorful chalk
Full STEM curriculum
Full Day and extended day Preschool
Financial Aid & Scholarships available
Extracurricular Clubs
Graduates attend premier High Schools

Our Partners

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